
I’m George!

I usually spend my day juggling with networks, servers, projects and users who usually don’t know what they need, but nonetheless need it now goddammit! I get along fine, with the careful application of patience, duct tape, a swish-army knife and by ♫ ♫ always looking at the bright side of life ♪ ♪.

Since I put up with complex systems and issues all the time at work, I like to keep things clean and simple when dealing with my own machines. So, at home I mostly uses my iPad and Mac Mini, while a Raspberry Pi handles the heavy lifting (network security, file & media storage & playback, automated downloads, etc).

I write about technology, his family and their cats, about life, the universe and everything, in my blog, “zupergeorge“.

Since 2020, I picked up a hobby from my youth: Scale modelling. I document the scale models that I build in “Studio 1/48”.

I comment about everything and anything on Twitter Mastodon and Threads and check out my friends’ activity on Facebook and Instagram.

I was born in Greece and lived there until 2018, when my family and I moved in Brussels, Belgium. I enjoy the multi-cultural environment and the opportunities this city can provide. Most of the time I don’t mind the rainy weather.

Eventually, I reply to most of the emails I receive at george @ adamopoulos.net.